Vitality and Wellness with Supplements
Supplement and gel that help revitalize, refresh and provide lightness in the legs
Liver Complex
Innovative food supplement that helps the liver protecting it from oxidative damage
Lucy Memory
Food supplement that contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system
Food supplement with a double layer and double action on digestion and metabolism
Audio Calm
It helps you fight those annoying and constant ringing, beeping, clicking or buzzing
Cannaxine (Cream)
Natural soothing cream with CBD that relieves pain and pain in muscles and joints
Cannaxine (Capsules)
Food supplement with hemp seed oil naturally rich in omegas with relaxing properties
Hydrolyzed Collagen
Food supplement for nails, bones and hair with resveratrol and vitamin C
How can we help you?
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We love a good chat about product development. Call, email or just come round for coffee.
Contact us
Carrer Pau Claris, 190, 1º 1ª 08037 Barcelona (Spain)
sales at teitv dot com